Our Programs

Services and programs that we provide align with CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Community Change. The following are some of the activities that we provide:

  • Provide or sponsor trainings for community members, prevention professionals, educators, prescribers, etc., in evidence based prevention strategies to reduce substance misuse, including prescription drug misuse, such as PAX, Narcan, SAPST, etc.
  • Provide QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training.
  • Implement evidence based prevention curricula (Too Good for Drugs, Botvin’s Life Skills) in schools and community settings.
  • Participate in and disseminate substance misuse prevention information at community events, health/job fairs, ethnic festivals, community walks, parades, etc.
  • Conduct town hall community forums on community substance misuse issues/concerns.
  • Conduct sticker shock campaigns to deter alcohol and marijuana paraphernalia sales to minors.
  • Establish drug free zones in the community with signage.
  • Develop/sponsor youth led coalitions for youth who desire to live drug and violence free lifestyles.
  • Collaborate with local policy making institutions to facilitate practical, meaningful policy that can effect positive community change regarding substance misuse issues.
  • Institute public recognition programs for retailers who pass compliance checks regarding not selling alcohol to minors.
  • Provide drug free leadership and recreational events for youth.
  • Engage in media and other campaigns to reduce substance misuse in our community.
  • Engage in Safe Homes initiatives for parents who have decided that their home will be a Safe Home, without access to alcohol or weapons to minors.
  • Partner with law enforcement regarding youth curfew and social host laws.
  • Sponsoring and conducting school substance abuse prevention events, such as Red Ribbon Week, National Prevention Week activities, etc.
  • Community outreach, canvassing, literature distribution, and networking with existing youth and community groups, programs.
YUMADAOP kids studying, swinging, and riding school bus